Thursday, June 4, 2009

Texas Highways

Everywhere we go we notice differences in the highways and even the drivers. Some are subtle and some are not so subtle. The first thing we noticed Texas was people drive friendly. Maybe the signs that say, "Drive Friendly, are the reason???

In Washington there are a lot of freeway entrance and exit "circles". Here in Texas it is mostly straight on and straight off. When you get off you have the right-of-way on the road you go to. When you get on you have the right-of-way to cars coming toward you. A little different!

And, there are a lot of side roads along the highways.

Then there are the turnarounds. It is an actual separate exit lane that takes you around under the freeway and back on (whether you want to or not -- did that once!!).

Now, here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area we noticed something we have not seen before. An enormous amount of shredded tire pieces. They even have crews that go along picking them up!! One day we were going by such a crew and the guy threw a piece of tire up into the truck -- except it kept on going and ended up on the other side of the truck and back on the highway. Oops!!!

The other thing different in Texas is they have fewer rest areas and instead many more "picnic areas". They are just a straight in and straight out simplier spot along the road with some picnic tables and trash cans -- no restrooms though.

Speaking of driving...down the road is a NASCAR raceway.

Here in Texas they even drive through lakes. Yes, there are three cars in that "lake".

One other thing we noticed was, as they say, things are bigger in Texas -- and HIGHER. Look at these freeways.

Texas, the lone star state, is very proud of their star.

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