Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hot Boiled Peanuts are Real Popular in the Southeast

I had to do it. I had to try them. We had stopped to get some gas and there was a little store nearby that was selling fruit and hot boiled peanuts. So the man asked me if I wanted the larger cup or the smaller cup. I chose the smaller one. He took a spoon and dipped my hot boiled peanuts out of a roaster filled with water. Then he gave me a plastic bag to put the shells in...the was my first clue. I really was not sure if you ate the shell or not!!!

So, we are rambling down the freeway and I decided to try one. First, they were warm, well hot, actually. Second, the shells were very soft and very dark brown. Totally not what I expected of a peanut. I opened the shell and found three peanuts, also very soft and very dark brown. I pull one of the peanuts out and tasted it. Yucky!!! They did not taste like peanuts. They actually tasted like cooked dried beans!

I threw the rest of the peanut out the window. I would have spit it out if I could have. So, now I know what hot boiled peanuts taste like!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

They look like what I scoop out of the littler box at night. LOL.