Friday, May 7, 2010

Coralee's Sister Comes to NAS JAX to Visit

Teri & Bill Sherwood were on a four month trip and were able to come stop and visit with us. We were able to get them into the NAS RV park which made it very convenient for us. We decided to take them to St. Augustine and take the trolley tour. It was also the eastern end of the Old Spanish Trail they had been following.

Scarlett O'Hara's Restaurant

Henry Morrison Flagler is a name you hear a lot in St. Augustine. He was a tycoon into real estate, oil and the railroad. He was partners with John D. Rockefeller. Many buildings in St. Augustine were built by Flagler.

Here is an old drug store in St. Augustine.

This is St. Augustine's "skyscraper" - the Wacovia bank building.

The troller tour led us to the Fountain of Youth and, is that, is that, Ponce de Leon himself????

Well, everything in St. Augustine is not old, huh!

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